Thursday, 31 October 2019

Amy Wiskin | Options Officer | Housing Services | Oxford City Council

Amy Wiskin | Options Officer | Housing Services | Oxford City Council

Last updated on Friday 1st November 2019 at 11.23  Updating

On this day I returned back to Oxford City after St. Mungo's reconnected me back to Northampton without my consent and I am raped by a stranger. Amy Wiskin was the Housing Options Officer in duty and told me she was making an online homeless application.

They Promote Rough Sleeping And I Will Show You How.

By the time they have used my files to lynch me as if my rights are a ping pong  ball to be smashed against a wall to be trampled on they say I chose rough sleeping 😴 so I must be mentally ill.  #discrimination

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Adrian Hasell Of St. Mungo's: The Personalisation Worker For Oxford Council Population Outreach Team

Adrian Hasell St. Mungo's: The Personalisation Worker For Oxford Council Population Outreach Team

Who are St. Mungo’s and what do they do?

Long-term success is unachievable without trust.  What game is it Oxford City Council are playing?
I am never playing.

Trust is unobtainable without truth. I
Lying wastes a lot of time and energy to keep lies straight. That time is better invested in acting on my goals. It is a Pity those who profess to be Public Servants forgot they are indeed Charity workers and relationships are built on trust.

I do not know who Adrian Hasell is.
I am aware that I am told he is my worker and I keep asking the question why is he my worker?
I have met him about 3 times. 
I have witnessed Adrian Hasell intoxicated and at the time I did also approach him to ask why?

This is the man who returned me back to Northampton with personalised threats in place to harm me. 

Upon my return to Northampton I was told there is no room in the inn and later that night I was raped by a stranger.

I am stating clearly Adrian Hasell is a Hater.
My file is really thick in reality it should be wafer thin! I ask the question, why?

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Barrister Jane Brady

Barrister Jane Brady
Cornwall Street Chambers

2nd Floor
The Clarendon House
Supermarket Street
Oxford OX1 3HI

Updated on Thursday 24th October 2019

I am informed by a legal personal that a Barrister Jane Brady is going around telling everybody she was supposed to be the Prosecution Barrister in my case but because she helped me loads so had to step down.

I am aware Barrister Jane Brady states she regularly raises money for the homeless. The very same homeless people she uses her power to lynch because the legal system is like the pharmaceutical industry the system is out to make a killing (financially speaking).

Monday, 7 October 2019

The Porch Day Centre

The Porch Day Centre
139 Magdalen Rd

I will be in favoured position when I get away from the wrong people.  
The Porch Day Centre and those who facilitate the day to day running of the place are the wrong people.

The Porch Day Centre purport to help the homeless and provide a service to 60 homeless people or so they told me.