Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Re: Weather Beds

Re: Weather Beds


Ngozi, I'm sorry that you are struggling to get the support you want. I'm not at all well and will not be  back before Christmas. The best place you can try is Citizens Advice Bureau for a referral or speak to Shelter UK at their drop in at the council on Thursday. I hope that helps. The Porch at Magdalen Rd also have staff that might be able to support. I'm sorry that I cannot help you further on this at this time.

Sent from my iPhone

On 20 Dec 2017, at 12:29, Ngozi Godwell <ngozi353@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Hannah,
How are you today?
I am aware you are off work and it was not possible to put off my journey back to Oxford.
I am with a duty officer named Amy. She is still trying to bounce me back to Northampton and this time I am never going back. Amy now says it is time for me to find my own accommodation in Oxford.
Can you please contact a refugee for me or otherwise
I have a Doctor 's letter and police support me in having Oxford as a place of safety and will refer  my details with your support to the rape crisis team.
Police details are:
DC 270 Kelly Roberts telephone 03000111222
ext 345463
Mobile 07557776149

On 19 December 2017, at 19:19, Hannah Smith <******@gmail.com> wrote:

Ngozi, I'm sorry I'm off work with flu. Please do email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Sent from my iPhone

On 19 Dec 2017, at 19:00, Ngozi Godwell <******@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Hannah,
Are you all right?
I am supposed to be in Oxford and you are ignoring my communications
I have transferred. My old mobile number to my new number. Please discard the new one.
On 8 Dec 2017 10:36, "Hannah Smith" <******@gmail.com> wrote:
SWEP beds are open. The severe weather beds will be open for a few nights. A warm place to sleep tonight but it's only a mattress on the floor. If you want this, speak to O'Hanlon House to be put on the list asap. Best wishes, Hannah 

Oxford City Council And How They Promote Discrimination

Oxford City Council And How They Promote Discrimination

Last updated on Thursday 6th October 2019
This Paul the kind homeless services love. He is the fuel for homeless service providers. Sex pest, violent beyond measure and loves those struggling with addictions.

On Monday 4th November 2019 at approximately 17.37 hrs I am standing at Bonds square I see Paul Aldridge walking along I turn my back to him. A group of young women are chatting, they are friends there are also two males in the group.
I witness Paul walking by them and then I hear one of the women shout out "You f'ing ..." then she is off chasing Paul who by now is power walking.

The woman's friends are following in pursuit. At first you can see her friends are confused as to what is going on nevertheless they follow her.
I am also confused but seeing Paul and hearing the woman shout out I put two and two together and decide to follow the crowd, eager to press record. Never wanting the crowd to see me as I am ducking and diving inbetween public.

The woman stops abruptly then her friends crash into her. I too stop, trying to be invisible. The woman is shouting and pointing at the number 5 bus. I will my ears to grow in length a useless exercise so then decide to approach the crowd. The woman is telling her friends Paul had used a newspaper to smack her bottom as he said the N-Word. The females are right let's get him. I know Paul to be dangerous and I intended to stay well back as the video is on record.  A young man points out it is never a good idea for them to storm onto the bus. I agree.

I envisaged a group of black young men and women vs Paul, I could see it all unfolding. Paul doing a crazy loon on the bus and the General Public blocked 🚫 on the bus and thereafter the Police being called, sirens screeching and therafter Paul being giving a lift home and everybody in the group being carted off in a white van to the Police station.

You see the way Paul did power walk after the assault it was as if he is well versed in behaving that way. Ducking and diving through the crowd instead of running preventing attention being drawn to him. He is the kind the establishment day is OK and people like me are just lynched.

Those people are deemed easy to place. 

Let me tell you a bit more about Paul. Women struggling because of a serious drug addiction need the money to fund their habit. One day when they are recovered they will have to confront what they did do to fund their habit. Paul is on standby with his genitalia and money.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Take A Break - Introducing Sabine McNeill

Take A Break - Introducing Sabine McNeill

Sabine McNeill.
Sabine’s websites are shut down 

Monday 16th September 2019  - there appears some of Sabine's.websites are still on-line
Continuously Updating.

There was a high profile case of Vicky Haigh who has not seen her 7-year-old daughter for 17 months is reported on and the Nigerian family whose six children were taken under completely false allegations by Haringey Council. 

~ Sabine McNeill

Sabine McNeill, who has been jailed for nine years. 

1. Corporate Club:
(a) system 
(b) boundaries.

2. The State.  

Expressing only love for Sabine McNeill.

As she says, incredible allegations to anyone thinking logically and needed doubt. Police and social workers believed it though and took kids

Film 🎥 1.

Film 🎥 2.

  1. Sympathy for the Anti-Devil Sabine McNeill: The Empire strikes back